Expires header tells browser how to cache a web page component. If a component (image, flash, html etc.) is not going to change for a long time in future –it is highly recommended that you add a far future expires header. In simple words, this means that you tell the browser to cache the component for a long time (several months or may be several years). If you believe that a component is never going to change –you should add never expires header. In case you are using Apache server, you can use the following in .htaccess file: There is another way to accomplish the same thing. It is more concise mehtod: In case of IIS Server 7 or later, add the following code in web.config file’s system.webServer section This is how you can easily add expires header in Apache and IIS server. If you have control of your server, it is highly recommended to add these headers to enhance your website’s performance. I hope it was useful. Please feel free to ask me if you have any question about this topic. I will be happy to try and help you. Thank you for using TechWelkin.